Sequences of blimp1 conserved regions 2 and 5. Gray highlight indicates nucleotide sequence that is conserved within 20 bp windows at or above 85% identity between Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and L. variegatus. Bent black arrows indicate primer locations for various reporter constructs (13, 27, 29, and 34) in conserved region 2. Candidate Blimp1 binding sites are in blue characters, putative Tcf target sites in red, Otx target sites in green. The overlapping Blimp1 and Tcf sites are in purple. The translation target site in CR5 is indicated. The actual site of transcription initiation has not been determined. It is at or upstream of the5′ end of our longest cDNA clone, and the possible TATA site indicated may or may not be functional.