Fig. 2. Comparison of RcGTA recipient capability of QS mutant strains with their ability to adsorb RcGTA particles.
A. Ability of WT, ΔgtaI, ΔgtaR, ΔgtaRI, and ΔgtaI supplemented with C16-acyl-HSL strains to be transduced by RcGTA containing a Rifampicin resistance marker.
B. RcGTA adsorption ability of strains (values are presented as a percentage of the number of RifR transductants obtained in the unabsorbed control where no cells were added to the reaction mixture, indicated by %NC).
C. Western blot of adsorption assay filtrate probed with RcGTA capsid protein antiserum. Error bars represent the standard deviation between samples (n ≥ 3). Statistical analysis was done by One-Way ANOVA, given in Tables S3 and S4.