Figure 5. Type-specific neutralizing antibody seroprevalence in study participants against reported vaccine efficacy.
Seroprevalence data are plotted against (A) efficacy against persistent infection and (B) efficacy against CIN2+ reported from trials of Cervarix® (blue points) and Gardasil® (red points) vaccinees for each non-vaccine HPV type (HPV31, HPV33, HPV45, HPV52 and HPV58). Vertical error bars represent exact 95% confidence intervals for the efficacy data, while horizontal error bars represent exact 95% confidence intervals for the neutralization seroprevalence data. The best fitting linear relationship between the two variables (black line) and the 95% range of bootstrap estimates for this relationship (dotted lines) is also shown. Exact 95% confidence intervals for data points were calculated using the Fisher's exact method for vaccine efficacy (1-odds ratio) and Clopper-Pearson for seroprevalence.