(A) At 0 DAP, PIN3::PIN3:GFP signal is not detected at early stages of petal development. (B) By 0.5 DAP, PIN3 expression is detected at the distal tip of the petal. The magenta line indicates the extent of the PIN3 signal. (C, D) At 1.5 and 2 DAP, expression extends all around the distal marginal domain in a continuous way. (E) At 4 DAP, expression is also seen at the proximal marginal domain and in the veins. (F) At 6 DAP, PIN3 also starts being expressed in the distal epidermis, particularly in the regions adjacent to the margin with preferential localisation at the top and the bottom cell walls. (G) Enlargement of the white box in (F). (H–J) At 9 DAP, PIN3 is expressed in the epidermis and vasculature. (I) Enlargement of the white box in the distal region in (H) showing that PIN3 is not polarly localised. (J) Enlargement of the white box in the proximal region in (H) showing that PIN3 polarity points away from the margin and proximally. (K–L) At 11 DAP, PIN3 signal is strong throughout the epidermis (in both distal regions, K, and proximal regions, L). Width of petals: (A–F) 30, 47, 68, 98, 196, and 330; (H) 658; and (K) 1,020 µm. Scale bar, 20 µm (A–E, G, I, K, L), 120 µm (F), and 200 µm (H).