Figure 9. A less active and more discontinuous distal organiser in jagged mutants.
(A) Initial canvas for divergent petal model (as in Figure 4D) with no DGRAD activity (as in Figure 8A, 0% model) and with a more discontinuous distal organiser activity as implemented by a discontinuous DISTORG (cyan) region. (B) Canvas at 2 and 12 DAP. Petals develop a jagged or serrated distal petal outline, with the tip of the serrations corresponding to regions with high DISTORG activity (as shown in the enlargement of the orange square at 12 DAP). (C) DR5::GFP signal is not detected at early stages in jag-1 mutant, and (D, E) it is detected at later stages in several regions of the distal domain in a discontinuous way. (F) Enlargement of the orange square in (E). (G) PIN1::PIN1:GFP in jag-1 mutant. PIN1 signal is reduced in the jag-1 mutant at all stages and has a narrower distribution in the distal margin compared to wild-type petal (compare with Figure 6D). (H) PIN3::PIN3:GFP in jag-1 mutant shows reduced expression, and it is more discontinuous in the distal margin (compare with wild type in Figure 7D). Width of petals: (C–G) 123, 310, 515, 66, and 84 µm. Scale bar, 10 µm (A, B) (2 DAP), 20 µm (C, G, H), 100 µm (D), 200 µm (E).