Figure 7.
Influence of auxin and ET signaling on WCS417-induced RH formation in the Arabidopsis root. A, Representative binocular views of segments located 1.0 cm above the root tip of seedlings of the wild type (wt), various auxin mutants, and the ET-signaling mutant ein2-1 growing under control and WCS417-induced conditions. B, Quantification of the data presented in A. Values represent average RH numbers ± sd in the root segment located 1.0 cm above the root tip (n = 15). White bars represent the mock treatment, and black bars represent the WCS417 treatment. C, RH length in Col-0 and the ein2-1 mutant in the absence (white bars) or presence (black bars) of WCS417. Values represent average lengths ± sd of RH located in the 1.0-cm root segment above the root tip (80 RH; n = 20 roots). D, RH density in Wassilewskija-2 (Ws-2; the wild type) and the RH-defective mutant rhd6 in the absence (white bars) or presence (black bars) of WCS417. Values represent average RH numbers ± sd in the root segment located 1.0 cm above the root tip (n = 15). Data in all panels were obtained after 8 d of cocultivation. Different letters indicate statistically significant differences (Tukey’s HSD test; P < 0.05). The experiment was repeated twice with similar results. n.d, Not detected.