Multidrug transporter MRP2 is underexpressed in creb KO intestine. (a) Small intestine, and (b) colon sections were stained with αMRP2 antibodies (yellow arrow) to reveal reduced expression in crebfl/fl/villinCreERT2crypts compared with WT, following 4-weeks exposure to Tamoxifen. (c and d) Organoid cultures were established in the presence of 4OHT for 3 days, and subsequently subjected to treatment with Oxaliplatin after cultures were allowed to proceed for another 7 days. These results show that as expected, the growth (MTT) and organoid-forming ability was impeded by crebKO alone, but these measures were significantly reduced compared with WT in the presence of Oxaliplatin. Means±S.E.M., two-tailed t-test. *P=0.01; ***P=0.001