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. 2012 Sep 5;21(5):503–510. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2012.205

Table 1. Clinicopathological features of 25 patients with KIT/PDGRFA/BRAF wild-type GIST.

                    SDH IHC expression    
Case Gender Age (years) Primary site Tumor largest size (cm) Histologic cell subtype Mitosis/50 HPF NIH risk classificationa NCCN risk classificationb Molecular alterationsSDHB, SDHC, SDHD SDHA SDHB Curative surgery -R classification Follow-up (months/status)
1 M 26 Stomach 6 Spindle 16/50 High High Pos (germline)c c.T282A, p.Ile44Asn High Negative R0 104/ANED
2 M 30 Stomach 10 Epithelioid 8/50 High High Pos (germline)d SDHB c.1-10413_73-3866del High Negative R0 156/DUC
3 M 42 Stomach 3 Spindle 12/50 High Moderate Pos (germline)e SDHB c.1-10413_73-3866del High Negative R0 94/ANED
4 M 49 Stomach 6.5 Epithelioid 7/50 High High Negf Negative Negative R0 271/ANED
5 F 58 Stomach 3.5 Epithelioid 1/50 Low Very low Negf Negative Negative R1 198/ANED
6 M 75 Duodenum >3 Spindle 1/50 NA NA Pos (somatic) SDHB c.1-10413_73-3866del Moderate Moderate NR 9/DOD
7 F 77 Small intestine 6 Spindle 1/50 Intermediate Moderate Neg High High R0 132/DUC
8 M 74 Stomach 3 Mixed 5/50 Low Very low Neg High High R0 120/DUC
9 F 72 Stomach 8 Spindle 4/50 Intermediate Low Neg High High R1 35/ANED
10 F 53 Small intestine 3.5 Spindle 4/50 Low Low Neg High Moderate R0 124/ANED
11 M 62 Stomach 6.5 Spindle 5/50 Intermediate Low Neg High Low R0 111/ANED
12 M 73 Small intestine 6 Spindle 3/50 Intermediate Moderate Neg High High R0 106/ANED
13 F 66 Stomach 14 Spindle 5/50 High Moderate Neg Moderate Low R0 129/ANED
14 F 63 Small intestine 6.5 Mixed 2/50 Intermediate Moderate Neg High Moderate R0 270/ANED
15 M 52 Small intestine 9.5 Spindle 4/50 Intermediate Moderate Neg High Moderate R0 213/ANED
16 M 55 Small intestine 4 Spindle 1/50 Low Low Neg High Moderate R0 66/DUC
17 F 50 Stomach 5.6 Spindle 6/50 High High Neg High Moderate R1 198/ANED
18 F 82 Stomach 7 Epithelioid 5/50 Intermediate Low Neg Low Low R0 80/DUC
19 M 81 Stomach 3.3 Spindle 1/50 Low Very low Neg Moderate Moderate R0 75/DUC
20 M 81 Colon 12.5 Epithelioid 12/50 High High Neg High Moderate R2 0/DOD
21 M 60 ND 13 Mixed 4/50 High High Neg High Low NR 48/DOD
22 M 69 Stomach 19 Spindle 8/50 High High Neg High Moderate R2 4/DOD
23 M 76 Stomach 6 Spindle 2/50 Intermediate Low Neg Moderate Low R0 105/ANED
24 F 41 Stomach 4,5 Spindle 2/50 Low Very low Neg High Moderate R0 94/ANED
25 M 57 Stomach 17 Spindle 2/50 High Moderate Neg Moderate Moderate R0 107/ANED

Abbreviations: ANED, alive, no evidence of disease; DUC, dead of unrelated causes; DOD, dead of disease; F, female; GIST, gastrointestinal stromal tumor; HPF, high-power field; IHC, immunohistochemistry; M, male; NA, not applicable; NCCN, National Comprehensive Cancer Network; ND, not determined; Neg, negative; NIH, National Institutes of Health; NR, no resection; Pos, positive; R0, no macroscopic residual tumor (potentially curative surgery); R1, microscopic residual tumor; R2, macroscopic residual tumor (non-curative surgery); SDH, succinate dehydrogenase.


NIH risk classification1 for primary GIST.


NCCN risk classification34 for primary GIST.


Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of the SDHB normal allele in the tumor.


Tumor with complete loss of SDHB promoter and exon 1 (MLPA analysis).


Tumor with complete loss of SDHB promoter and loss heterozygosity (LOH) exon 1 (MLPA analysis).


Screening of mutations in SDHA exons performed in germline DNA of the patient peripheral blood lymphocytes.