Figure 2. Laminin binding to POMGnT1 knockout neural stem cells was reduced.
Neural stem cells were infected with Ad-EGFP or Ad-POMGnT1 for 48 hours. Laminin-111 was added to the culture medium. After 12 hours of incubation, bound laminin-111 was detected by immunofluorescence staining (A, B, E, and F). Green channel demonstrated a similar expression of adenovirus across all the samples (C, D, G, and H). (A and C) Wildtype infected with Ad-EGFP. (B and D) POMGnT1 knockout infected with Ad-EGFP. (E and G) Wildtype cells infected with Ad-POMGnT1. (F and H) POMGnT1 knockout cells infected with Ad-POMGnT1. Note that bound laminin-111 in POMGnT1 knockout neural stem cells was reduced (compare B with A). However, Ad-POMGnT1 infection restored laminin binding activity of POMGnT1 knockout cells (compare E with F). (I) Quantification of laminin immunofluorescence. (J) Western blot of glycoproteins isolated by WGA-agarose with IIH6C4 and anti-β-DG. Abbreviations: kDa, kilodalton; KO, knockout. Scale bar in H: 2 μm.