(A) Satellite cells differentiated into brown adipocytes (arrowheads) in myofiber cultures under proadipogenic conditions. Myofibers (n > 600) with resident satellite cells were isolated from Pax7-CreER/R26R-tdTomato EDL muscles and cultured for 12 days in proadipogenic medium. Lineage-marked satellite cell-derived brown adipocytes expressed tdTomato and Prdm16, Perilipin A.
(B) Clonal analysis of FACS-isolated single satellite stem cells and satellite myogenic progenitors (n > 2,000 for each cell type) indicates some satellite cells are bipotential. Approximately 1.6% of satellite stem cells and 3.3% satellite myogenic progenitors gave rise to mixed muscle and adipocyte-containing colonies. In addition, 6.5% of satellite stem cells clones but none of satellite myogenic progenitors gave rise to colonies uniformly composed of adipocytes. Shown are representative images of three types of clones derived from clonal satellite cell cultures stained with ORO, and the corresponding percentages from satellite stem cells (Myf5−) and satellite myogenic progenitors (Myf5+) clones.
See also Figure S1.