(A) RMA/control, RMA/H60, RMA/MULT-1 and (B) RMA-S/RAE1β (+/− 10μM peptide) cell lines were stained with a H-2Kb-specific antibody (left), H60, MULT1, and RAE1-specific antibodies, or secondary antibody alone (right). (C) RAW 264.7 cells expressing a RAE1α-specific shRNA or control shRNA were stained with a RAE-specific antibody or secondary antibody alone (left) or H-2Dk antibody (middle). An overly of the histograms of H-2Dk staining in the two cell lines is also shown (right). The MFIs of H-2Kb or H-2Dk staining are shown. *21.6% and 8.9% of cells expressing control shRNA or RAE1α-specific shRNA respectively, are present in this gate. These data are representative of two independent experiments with 3 replicates each.