Sp and Hp nanos2 3’UTRs are sufficient for the selective retention of RNA in the small micromeres. In situ hybridization on Sp mesenchyme blastula embryos using a probe against GFP, after injection of synthetic mRNAs in Sp fertilized eggs. (A) Synthetic mRNAs were made using the GFP ORF flanked by (a) Sp nanos2 5’ and 3’UTRs, (b) Hp nanos2 5’ and 3’UTRs, or (c) Xenopus β-globin UTRs. The arrows are pointing toward the small micromeres. (B) One set of synthetic mRNAs was made using the GFP ORF flanked by (a) Sp nanos2 5’ and 3’UTRs, (b) Xenopus β-globin 5’UTR and Sp nanos2 3’UTR, (c) Sp nanos2 5’UTR and Xenopus β-globin 3’UTR, or (d) Xenopus β-globin 5’ and 3’UTRs. A second set of synthetic mRNAs was made using the GFP ORF surrounded by (f) Hp nanos2 5’and 3’UTRs, (g) Hp nanos2 3’UTR, (h) Hp nanos2 5’UTR, or by (i) Xenopus β-globin UTRs. Uninjected embryos are shown in (e) and (j). Approximately one hundred blastulas were visualized after injection of each construct, the representative embryos are presented.