Localization of alternative pathway components and inhibitors in human RPE, choroid (CHOR), and retina (RET) by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy. A. Albumin immunoreactivity is distributed throughout the choroid (CY2; green). Lipofuscin autofluorescence is present in the RPE cytoplasm (CY3; red) B. Factor H is localized to choroidal capillaries and the intercapillary pillars (arrowhead) (CY2; green). Lipofuscin autofluorescence (CY5; blue), C-reactive protein (CY3; red). C-D. MCP (CD46) is localized to choroidal vessel walls (arrowhead) and to the basolateral surface of the RPE (arrow). Photoreceptor layer of the retina (PH) (CY2; green). The polarized basolateral distribution of MCP is preserved in cultured human fetal RPE cells (shown in D) (CY2; green). RPE cell nuclei are stained by the DNA binding dye Hoescht 33258 (violet) (D). E. DAF (CD55) immunoreactivity is associated with choroidal vessel walls, but absent in the RPE and in drusen arrows) (CY2; green). F-G. Factor B/C5b-9 co-localization [anti-Factor B (CY2, green); anti-C5b-9 (CY3, red)]. Diffuse anti-Factor B labeling is present throughout the choroid; choroidal capillary vessel walls are heavily labeled (arrowhead). Factor B immunofluorescence can be localized to the cores of some drusen (Dr). H. Factor I localization (CY2, green). Lipofuscin autofluorescence is visualized on the CY3 channel (red). Most Factor I immunoreactivity is concentrated in the inner retina (RET) and, to a lesser extent, in the choroid. I. Factor D adipsin) localization (CY2, green). Lipofuscin autofluorescence (CY3, red). Diffuse Factor D immunoreactivity is present throughout the retina and choroid.