Figure 1.
Analysis of LD head expression data by various algorithms reveals high overlap in An. gambiae probes deemed rhythmic. Venn diagram shows the number of probes in An. gambiae LD heads identified as rhythmic using the COSOPT, JTK_CYCLE and DFT algorithms at the statistical cutoffs indicated. A total of 1658 probes were identified as rhythmic using all three algorithms, representing 159 new rhythmic probes from those we identified in Rund et al. 2011 [30]. See Additional file 2 for LD body, and DD head and body Venn diagrams. The number outside the Venn diagram, 3443, represents the number of probes with a mean fluorescent intensity above background that were not scored as rhythmic by any of the algorithms. See Additional file 3 for list of probes newly identified as rhythmic.