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. 2013 Mar 13;288(18):12437–12447. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.442467


Data collection and refinement statistics

Data collection
    X-ray source PAL 6B PAL 6B
    Wavelength (Å) 0.97908 1.1000
    Space group P41212 P212121
    Unit cell parameters (Å) 53.2 × 53.2 × 184.6 50.9 × 65.9 × 72.7
    Resolution limit (Å) 50–1.8 (1.83–1.80)a 40–1.9 (1.93–1.90)a
    Total reflections 571,828 125,573
    Unique reflections 25,671 (1,278) 19,905 (994)
    Redundancy 22.3 (20.8) 6.3 (5.8)
    Completeness (%) 99.9 (99.9) 99.9 (100.0)
    Rsymb 0.081 (0.459) 0.098 (0.434)
    Average I/σ(I) 56.0 (8.3) 21.9 (4.2)

    Space group P41212 P212121
    Resolutions (Å) 46–1.9 32–1.9
    Reflections (working) 20,025 18,850
    Reflections (test) 1,093 1,016
    Rworkc 0.186 0.194
    Rfreec 0.236 0.232
    Number of water molecules 190 144
    r.m.s.d. from ideal geometryd
        Bond length (Å) 0.015 0.012
        Bond angle 1.458° 1.353°
    Average B factors (Å)
        Molecule A (main/side chain) 20.5 (19.2/21.9) 17.8 (16.5/19.2)
        Molecule B (main/side chain) 22.8 (21.3/24.4) 20.0 (19.3/20.8)
        Waters 31.4 25.3

a Numbers in parentheses describe the relevant value for the last resolution shell.

b Rsym = Σ|Ii − 〈I〉|/ΣI where Ii is the intensity of the ith observation and 〈I〉 is the mean intensity of the reflections.

c Rwork = Σ‖Fobs| − |Fcalc‖/Σ|Fobs|, crystallographic Rfactor, and Rfree = Σ‖Fobs| − |Fcalc‖/Σ|Fobs| when all reflections belong to a test set of randomly selected data.

d r.m.s.d., root mean square deviation.