Table 1.
aAverage yields, total available lignocellulose and yield potentials as reported in sections Lignocellulose as a co-product and Lignocellulose as primary product.
bRecommendations for medium fertility soils by University of Georgia's Cooperative Extension Service (Kissel and Sonon, 2008), except recommendation for miscanthus, which is based on Christian et al. (2008).
cData calculated using the average lignocellulose yields per hectare in USDA's Crop Nutrient Tool (, accessed: 20-12-2012), except the values for miscanthus, which are based on Cadoux et al. (2012).
dCalculated by taking into account average lignocellulose yield.
eData based on Al-Amoodi et al. (2004) for maize and sugarcane, on Saballos (2008) for sorghum, on Long et al. (2001) for miscanthus and Bouton (2008) for switchgrass.