Table 1. 1- and 3-year survival for solid organ transplantation in the United States*.
Organ | 1 year graft survival (1/1/2009-6/30/2011)** |
3 year graft survival (7/1/2006-12/31/2008)** |
Lung | 83.8% (N = 4,147) |
63.9% (N = 3,474) |
Heart-Lung | 80.0% (N = 73) |
57.9% (N = 55) |
Heart | 89.9% (N = 4,595) |
80.9% (N = 4,440) |
Kidney | 93.8% (N = 38,915) |
85.8% (N = 38,458) |
Kidney-Pancreas | Kidney – 94.8% Pancreas – 88.6% (N = 2,040) |
Kidney – 86.5% Pancreas – 79.6% (N = 2,131) |
Liver | 86.5% (N = 13,249) |
75.8% (N = 13,467) |
Intestine | 70.9% (N = 202) |
53.1% (N = 190) |
*Data for National Graft Survival from Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients ( – released July 2012)
**Time window when transplants were performed