Figure 5.
GFP+ cells express radial glia markers zebrin and nestin during development. Between E16 and E18, GFP+ cells form columns of extending from the ventricles to the pia. GFP+ cells (green) near the ventricles in these columns expressed Nestin (A–D, red) or Zebrin (E–H, red), proteins expressed by radial glia. By P0, zebrin+/GFP+ cells were found in the parenchyma of cortex, away from the ventricular wall, presenting morphologies resembling a shortened radial glia. A–D, Arrows indicate GFP+/Nestin+ cells. E–L, Arrows indicate GFP+/zebrin+ processes and cells. A, E, F, Asterisks indicate the neocortical ventricular wall. Zebrin+/GFP+ cells were absent by P4, a time by which most radial glia have disappeared from the brain. Scale bars, 50 μm.