Figure 4.
JNK activation dose-response analysis by E2, XEs, and mixtures. GH3/B6/F10 rat pituitary cells were exposed to increasing concentrations (10-15 M – 10-7 M) of BPS, BPA, and NP compared to a single physiological level of E2 (10-9 M). E2 (10-9 M) is at a constant concentration throughout the dose-response. Individual XEs (A) and XE mixtures (B) were measured by plate immunoassay at a 5-min exposure time. All error bars represent S.E M. The widths of the vehicle and E2 [10-9 M] bars represent a S.E. of ± 1.3 and ± 1.2 respectively, (n = 24 over 3 experiments). * = p < 0.05 compared to vehicle (V); # = p < 0.05 compared to 10-9 M E2. The E2 (10-9 M) response is significantly different compared to the vehicle control.