Figure 2.
Effect of DPI and Ro-31-8220 on NET formation: Cells were plated as described and either pre-treated with DPI or Ro-31-8220 at increasing concentrations, or control media, before stimulating with PMA at 10 nM for 4 h. NET abundance was measured by total fluorescence from Sytox Green cell impermeable dye. A) Pre-treatment with Ro-31-8220 completely abrogated NET formation at 100 nM and 1 μM. Data show mean +/− SEM for n=4 independent experiments. *** indicates p<0.001. B) Pre-treatment with DPI significantly decreased NET formation at 10 nM, and completely abrogated NET formation at 100 nM and 1 μM. Data show mean +/− SEM for n=4 independent experiments. *** indicates p<0.001.