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. 2013 Apr 16;5:ecurrents.dis.67bd14fe457f1db0b5433a8ee20fb833. [Version 1] doi: 10.1371/currents.dis.67bd14fe457f1db0b5433a8ee20fb833

Table 7: Articles Reporting Detailed Information on Earthquake-Related Injuries (n=50)*.

Notes: Peek-Asa 2000 and Laverick, 2007 reported detailed information on injury but are excluded from the table because no information was reported on factors included in the table. In many cases reporting by injury type, age, and/or sex was incomplete which is why numbers reported for each outcome may not sum to the total number of deaths reported.

Article Event Injuries Reported Injuries By Type and Cause By Sex By Age
Male Female
N (%) N (%)
Angus, 1997 Turkey, 1992 29 Not reported NR NR NR NR Not reported
Armenian, 1992 Armenia, 1988 189 Not reported 120 63% 69 37% Descriptive only
Armenian, 1997 Armenia, 1988 1454 Fractures/broken bones (37%) and crush injuries (27%) were most common 658 45% 796 55% Not reported
Bai, 2009 Pakistan, 2005 2194 Open wounds (68%), soft tissue (20%), and fractures (18%), most often in lower extremity; infection was common. 166 60% 109 40% Descriptive only
Bissell, 1994 Costa Rica, 1991 182 Crush injuries, long bone fractures and soft tissue injuries were most common NR NR NR NR Not reported
CDC, 2010 Haiti, 2010 126 Fractures/dislocations, wound infections, and head, face, and brain injuries were most common. 74 46% 85 53% Descriptive; young adults were most at risk
Dhar, 2007 Pakistan, 2005 468 Fractures/broken bones (58%), soft tissue only (35%), chest trauma (5%), spine injuries (4%), and others (2%). 271 58% 197 42% Descriptive only
Doocy, 2009 Peru, 2007 92 Crush injuries (31%), fractures (23%), wounds (20%), other types (18%), and blunt force injury (8%) were most common. 2% 3% Injury risk increased by 3% per additional year of age.
Ellidokuz, 2005 Turkey, 2002 18 18 injured persons, including 4 with fractures/broken bones and 1 burn patient all had lacerations or contusions. 9 50% 9 50% Descriptive only
Emami, 2005 Iran, 2003 708 Lacerations/contusions (27%), fractures/broken bones (20%), and crush syndrome (4%) were most common. 392 55% 316 45% Descriptive only
Farfel, 2011 Haiti, 2010 182 Open wounds (29%), fractures (26%), crush injuries (16%), superficial injuries (16%), contusions (4%), dislocations (3%), and head injuries (3%) were most common. NR NR NR NR Descriptive only
Ganjouei, 2008 Iran, 2003 1250 Lower limb (41%), pelvis (26%) and head injuries (25%) were most common among hospitalized patients in the study. 223 54% 193 46% Risk of injury was highest among 19-60yrs of age and very low among children
Hatamizadeh, 2006 Iran, 2003 2086 Trauma to extremities (36%), head/neck (16%), abdomen (16%), and thorax (9%). 1079 52% 966 46% Significantly lower injury risk for those <15 yrs (p<.001) and higher risk for young/ middle-aged adults (p<.001).
Iskit, 2001 Marmara Turkey, 1999 33 Crush injuries/syndrome (45%), and fractures/broken bones (24%) were most common. 17 52% 16 48% Not significant
Jain, 2003 India, 2001 62 Orthopedic injury (42%), soft tissue injury (10%), and burns (6%). NR NR NR NR Descriptive only
Jian, 2010 China, 2008 196 Multiple trauma (36%), and lower limb injury (34%) were the most common. 88 45% 108 55% Descriptive only
Kuwagata, 1997 Japan, 1995 2702 Fractures/broken bones (45%), soft tissue injury (33%), crush syndrome (14%), burns (2%), nerve injuries (2%), other (2%) and unknown (4%). NR NR NR NR Not reported
Liang, 2001 Taiwan, 1999 8722 90% suffered from head injury, open wounds, contusions or fractures NR NR NR NR Not reported
Mahue-Giangreco, 2001 California, 1994 418 Not reported 167 40% 251 60% Risk of injury increased with age category (NS); risk of injury was 6 times greater in patients 60+yr compared 30-39yr
McArthur, 2000 California, 1994 138 Not reported NR NR NR NR Significantly lower risk among children and higher risk among adults >65yrs
Milch, 2010 Peru, 2007 --- Not reported NR NR NR NR Not reported
Mohebbi, 2008 Iran, 2003 854 Fractures of the lower extremities most common (25%) 467 55% 387 45% Descriptive only
Mulvey, 2008 Pakistan, 2005 1502 Lacerations (65%), fractures (22%), and soft tissue (6%). 262 56% 206 44% Descriptive only; highest among young adults
Nadjafi, 1997 Iran, 1990 495 Crush syndrome 6% NR NR NR NR Not reported
Parasuraman, 1995 India, 1993 9082 Minor injuries (47%). Among 4803 in-patients: upper limb (24%), head (18%), spinal (9%), lower limb (14%), paralysis (7%), multiple fractures (3%), eye (3%) and other (23%). NR NR NR NR Not reported
Peek-Asa et al, 1998 California, 1994 171 Causes: falls (56%), hit/trapped (23%), burned/electrocuted (7%), cut/pierced (5%), vehicle accidents (3%), other (6%). 78 46% 93 54% Injury rates increased significantly with age; trend was more pronounced for hospitalized injuries.
Peek-Asa et al, 2003 California, 1994 103 Not reported 36 35% 67 65% Among adults, risk of injury increased by 1.3 (CI: 1.1-1.6) per every 10yrs in age.
Pocan et al, 2002 Turkey, 1999 630 Crush syndrome (5%), upper extremity (5%), lower extremity (8%), multiple extremities (2%). NR NR NR NR Not reported
Pointer et al, 1992 California, 1989 1082 Minor injuries (59%), fractures/broken bones (17%), sprains/dislocations (15%), head injuries 4%. NR NR NR NR Not reported
Qui, 2010 3401 Causes: blunt strike (68%), crush/burying (19%) and slip/falling (13%). Extremity injuries (55%) and fractures accounted (53%) were most common. 1684 50% 1713 50% Descriptive only
Roces et al, 1992 Philippines, 1990 363 Contusions (30%), abrasions (16%), fractures/broken bones (16%), lacerations (12%). 56% had injured extremities. Causes: falling debris (34%), entrapment (30%), falls (16%), and landslides (10%). NR NR NR NR Not reported
Roy, 2002 India, 2001 283 Spine/pelvis (17%), upper extremity (13%), chest/abdominal trauma (<4%), crush syndrome (<2%). 125 44% 158 56% Descriptive only
Sabzehchian, 2006 Iran, 2003 119 Lacerations/contusions (51%), fractures/broken bones (53%), head injuries (31%) 59 50% 60 50% Descriptive only
Salinas et al, 1998 California, 1994 329 Lacerations/contusions accounted for 50% of injuries. NR NR NR NR Descriptive only
Sami, 2009 Pakistan, 2005 298 Bone injuries (41%), soft tissue injuries (36%), mixed injuries (23%). 137 46% 161 54% Descriptive; injuries concentrated in <30 population but older adults face increased risk
Shoaf et al, 1998 California, 1987, 1989, 1994 183 Falling debris, physical force of earthquake, and falls caused most injuries. 65 36% 118 64% Mixed: Injured respondents were significantly older in Loma Prieta and significantly younger in Northridge.
Tanaka et al, 1999 Japan, 1995 2718 Fractures/broken bones (55%), lacerations/contusions (35%), crush injury (12%), peripheral nerve injury (5%); and burns (2%). NR NR NR NR Morbidity rates increased with age
Teeter, 1996 California, 1994 --- Of all care seekers, 9% reported earthquake-related musculoskeletal injuries, and 3% lacerations/contusions. NR NR NR NR Descriptive only
Uzun, 2005 Turkey, 1999 75 Crush injury (19%) and fractures/broken bones (15%) 34 45% 41 55% Descriptive only
Wen, 2009 China, 2008 36 Not reported NR NR NR NR Not reported
Xiang, 2009 China, 2008 119 Fractures were the most common injury type followed by soft tissue injuries. 58 49% 61 51% Descriptive only
Yang, 2009 China, 2008 533 The most common injuries were limb and pelvis (59%), soft tissue (39%) and chest (21%). 234 44% 299 56% Descriptive only
Yasin, 2009 Pakistan, 2005 1698 Poly-trauma with the most common major injuries being fracture and soft tissue related. NR NR NR NR Not reported
Zhang, 2009 China, 2008 1723 Lower limb (36%) and head injuries (18%) were most common. 848 48% 922 52% Descriptive only
Zhao, 201169 China, 2008 192` Distribution of pediatric injuries: limb 106 (55.2%); body surface 67 (34.9%); head 23 (12%); chest 18 (9.4%); spine 17 (8.9%); pelvis 13 (6.8%); abdomen 6 (3.1%); and face/neck 6 (3.1%). NR NR NR NR Not reported
Ardagh 201269 New Zealand, 2011 6659 The most common types of injuries included: Lumbar sprain 721, Neck sprain 531, Sprain of shoulder and upper arm 297, Contusion, knee and lower leg 260, Rotator cuff sprain 205, Ankle sprain 204, Thoracic sprain 140, Open leg wound 140, Contusion, shoulder or upper arm 138, Dental injuries 136 2032 31% 4627 69% Injury rates were highest among middle age adults (40-59 yrs) at 21%. Lower injury rates were observed in children and older adults.
Kang, 201270 China, 2010 2622 Bone fractures were diagnosed in 1,431 (55.1%) patients and crush syndrome was observed in 23 (0.9%). 1330 51% 1268 49% 1,426 (43.8%) were middle-aged (31-50 years)
Sudaryo, 201271 Indonesia, 2009 184 Bruises (41%), bone fracture and/or dislocation (39%) were the most predominant types of injury. The extremities (both upper and lower) were the most affected part of the injured body (81%). 53 29% 131 71% Not reported
Tan, 201272 Indonesia, 2009 113 55% of emergency department patients had a trauma-related diagnosis. 66 58% 47 42% Not reported