Table IV.
Assessment of difference and absolute value of difference between image measurements and skull measurements: ANOVA model and resulting P values
Source | Factors | Difference Probability of > F |
Absolute difference Probability of > F |
Modality | 2D, 3D | 0.7107 | 0.0682 |
Feature | G-MF, C-G | <.0001 | <.0001 |
Position | Ideal, rotated, shifted | 0.2510 | 0.5585 |
Side | Right, left | 0.1382 | <.0001 |
Modality*position | 0.7772 | 0.9244 | |
Modality*feature | 0.0338 | 0.6808 | |
Modality*side | 0.5779 | 0.1942 | |
Position*feature | 0.2633 | 0.1701 | |
Position*side | 0.6556 | 0.6268 | |
Feature*side | <.0001 | 0.3748 |
2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional; G-MF, gonion-mental foramen; C-G, condylion-gonion.
indicates interaction term.