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. 2013 May 2;3(5):e002640. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-002640

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics, by region/country of residence and residence type

Region/country of residence UK
Residence type* Rural/small town Suburban Urban Rural Suburban Urban
688 446 372 536 1294 671
 18–29 215 118 117 32 73 63
 30–49 235 185 162 149 370 209
 50–64 131 93 51 171 431 192
 65+ 107 50 42 184 420 207
 Male 358 229 188 201 516 240
 Female 330 217 184 335 778 431
Income level†
 Much below average 26 6 17 106 196 130
 Somewhat below average 109 70 46 112 203 114
 Average 345 234 171 139 262 154
 Somewhat above average 95 111 99 101 339 131
 Much above average 12 6 18 33 165 84
 White, non-Hispanic 450 1031 445
 Black, non-Hispanic 33 59 83
 Hispanic 26 96 73
 White (British, Irish, other European) 610 388 314
 Mixed (white and black Caribbean, white and black African, white and  Asian, any other mixed) 54 36 31
 Asian or Asian British 10 8 14
 Black or black British 8 14 9
 Chinese 1 0 3
 Other 2 0 1
 Decline to answer 3 0 0

*Missing data from five UK respondents on residence type.

†Missing data from 141 UK and 232 US respondents on income level.