Fig. 2.
T cell development in T cell-specific NF1-deficient mice. All experiments were performed with littermate Nf1fl/fl and Nf1fl/fl plck-cre mice. A, At left are shown representative two-color flow cytometry plots of CD4 versus CD8 staining of whole thymi (CD90.2+ gate). Numbers indicate the percent of cells in each quadrant. The bar graph at right shows the mean number plus 1 SEM of the indicated thymocyte populations (Nf1fl/fl, n=10; Nf1fl/fl plck-cre n=7). B, At left are shown representative plots of CD44 versus CD25 staining of gated DN thymocytes (CD90.2+ and CD24hi gates). The bar graph at right shows the mean number plus 1 SEM of DN1 (CD44+, CD25−), DN2 (CD44+, CD25+), DN3 (CD44lo, CD25+) and DN4 (CD44−, CD25−) thymocytes (Nf1fl/fl, n=10; Nf1fl/fl plck-cre n=7). C, At left are shown representative plots of CD69 versus TCRβ staining of thymocytes (TCRβ gate). The bar graph at right shows the mean number plus 1 SEM of DP1 (TCRβ +CD69−), DP2 (TCRβ +CD69+), DP3 (TCRβ hi, CD69+) and SP (TCRβ hi, CD69−) thymocytes (Nf1fl/fl, n=10; Nf1fl/fl plck-cre n=7). Statistical significance was determined using a Student two-sample t test. *p < 0.05, **p <0.01.