Figure 6.
Categorization of PANC-1 cell morphology in PEG4NB hydrogels with: (A) different PEG4NB molecular weights and cross-linkers, and (B) different ECM-mimetic motifs. Categories are: (I) Single cells; (II) Small and compact cell aggregates; (III) Large and irregular cell clusters; (IV) Small clusters with short cellular protrusions; and (V) Cyst-like cell clusters. Live/Dead staining images were used to analyze cell morphology at day-10 post-encapsulation (N = 4, mean ± SD). Control group used in statistical analysis for (A) was the population of category I in each gel formation. Control group used in statistical analysis for (B) was 0 mM ligand in each category. Single, double, and triple asterisks represent p < 0.05, < 0.001, and 0.0001, respectively.