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. 2013 Apr 24;2(2):e000116. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.113.000116

Table 1.

Selected Heart Failure and General Readmission Risk Models Focusing on Patient, System, and Environmental Level Covariates

Year Model Patient System Environment
Demographic Covariates Indicator of Frailty or Functional Status Comorbidities Markers of Illness Severity Use Patterns Hospital Characteristics and Postdischarge Services Readiness for Discharge or Inpatient Quality Finances, Education, Stability, and Support Patient Behavior
1985 Predicting hospital readmissions in the Medicare population15 Age, sex, race Disability status None None No. of discharges in previous 60 days, no. of discharges with same dx in past 60 days, LOS, hospital reimbursement, admission for chronic vs acute diagnosis Hospital based characteristics, region of the country None Disability status, supplemental Medicaid coverage None
1988 Identifying factors associated with health care use: A hospital‐based risk screening index16 Age > 75 Dependent ambulation, incontinence, poor mental status, terminal illness 2+ chronic condition, terminal illness, psychiatric disease None Emergency admission, prior hospitalization within the past 2 months None None Unmarried, less than subsistence level income, lives alone or in SNF, dependent self care (requires help with ADLs), unemployment or receiving disability, poor social support History of alcoholism
1988 Postdischarge care and readmission17 Age, sex, race None None BUN, paO2, WBC, hemoglobin ER visits in previous 6 months Post discharge care including RN calls, mailings, and appointment reminder vs usual care None None None
1990 Risk Factors for early readmission among veterans18 Age, sex, race, period of military service, county of residence None Spinal cord injury, number of surgeries performed, risk category for admitting diagnosis None LOS, unit type (medical, intermediate, neurological, surgical), discharged against medical advice VA auspices, place and type of disposition None Compensation/pension status, distance from hospital services, marital status, former POW None
1991 Factors predicting readmission of older general medicine patients19 Age, race Cognition (MMSE) Depression, diagnoses at admission (CHF or COPD) Illness severity (Computerized Severity of Illness Index) Emergent hospitalization, no. of hospitalizations in the last year, no. of days hospitalized in the last year, LOS, admitted from home None None Income, level of education, marital status, lives alone, meeting ADLs Novne
1992 Contribution of a measure of disease complexity (COMPLEX) to prediction of outcome and charges among hospitalized patients20 Age, sex None Used a metric comprised of a count of significantly effected body systems as well as a comorbidity severity score None None None None None None
1996 Does risk‐adjusted readmission rate provide valid information on hospital quality19 Age, sex None “complexity” measured as number of PMCs present PMC Relative Intensity Score LOS None None None None
1997 Correlates of early hospital readmission or death in patients with Congestive Heart Failure21 Age, sex, race None History of MI, HF, VT/VF, DM, Charlson Comorbidity Index EF, systolic BP, respiratory rate, serum sodium, serum creatinine, cardiomegaly on admission CXR, NSR on admission EKG, absence of new ST‐T changes on admission EKG None Has a PCP Symptoms at discharge, laboratory abnormalities at discharge Income, education, single, person at home to help with medical care None
1999 Prediction of hospital readmission for heart failure: development of a simple risk score on administrative data22 Age, sex, race None Charlson Comorbidity Index, specific comorbid conditions See use pattern LOS, total hospital discharge dollars, use of an ICU, procedural complication, discharge to SNF, transfer to acute care hospital, home health services after discharge, discharged AMA, Cardiology service, PT/OT, specific noninvasive cardiology procedures (echo, telemetry monitoring, EST, etc.), invasive cardiac procedures (PCI, CABG, etc.), critical care procedures (pulmonary artery catheterization, inotropic agents, mechanic ventilator support, HD, etc.) Hospital location, hospital type None Insurance type History of drug or alcohol abuse
2000 Predicting nonelective hospital readmissions: A multi‐site study23 Age, gender, race SF‐36 score physical component summary SF‐36 mental component summary Disease specific severity markers (eg, insulin dependence, home O2 use, NYHA class), discharge lab values including BUN, Hb, WBC No. of ED visits in previous 6 months, no. of admissions in previous 6 months, LOS, patient satisfaction scores from survey data None None Marital status, highest grade completed, distance from VAMC, employment status, service connection None
2000 Predictors of readmission among elderly survivors of admission with heart failure24 Age, sex, race Discharge mobility Specific comorbid conditions Presences of PND, orthopnea, chest pain, systolic/diastolic blood pressure, respiratory rate, pulmonary edema on CXR, LVEF, occurrence during hospitalization of a major complication (cardiac arrest, shock, MI, stroke), major procedure during hospitalization (CABG, cardiac catheterization), labs at discharge including: sodium, BUN, creatinine, BUN/CR ratio, ACE inhibitor prescription, digoxin prescription Previous admission within 1 year, LOS None None None None
2004 Posthospital care transitions: patterns, complications, and risk identification25 Age, sex Premorbid functional status score, self‐rated general health, visual impairment, need for assistance with ADLs Charlson Comorbidity Index, specific comorbid conditions, Alzheimer's disease None Previous admission and average LOS in the previous 6 months, number of prior SNF stays and average LOS in previous 6 months None None Medicaid status, unmarried None
2004 Risk stratification after hospitalization for decompensated Heart Failure26 Age, gender, race None Specific comorbid conditions Duration of HF diagnosis, HF etiology, history of PCI, presence of peripheral edema, S3 murmur, EF, NYHA class, JVD, HJR, rales, heart rate, systolic BP, diastolic BP, respiratory rate, K, BUN, Cr, Na, platelets, Hb Number of prior HF hospitalizations in the previous 12 months None None None None
2006 Identifying patients at high risk of emergency hospital admissions: A logistic regression analysis27 Age, sex, ethnicity, Std admission ratio None Charleson Comorbidity Index, presence of an “ambulatory care sensitive condition” None No. of ED visits in past 365 days, no. of ED visits in the past 366 days to 36 months, number of consultant episodes in “index spell” None None Area‐level lifestyle group, area‐level deprivation, source of admission None
2006 Validation of the potentially avoidable hospital readmission rate as a routine indicator of the quality of hospital care28 Age, sex None Charlson Comorbidity Index, number of comorbidities, diagnoses at admission None Previous admission in the past 6 months None None None None
2007 Improving the management of care for high‐cost Medicaid patients29 Age, sex, race/ethnicity None Number and type of comorbidities, history of mental illness, history of alcohol or substance abuse None Frequency and interval of hospitalizations, ED visits, primary care visits, and specialist care visits in previous 3 years, Use of home health care, personal care, rehab services, substance abuse services, prescription medications, inpatient spending None None Socioeconomic status of the zip code of residence None
2007 Prediction of Rehospitalization and Death in Severe Heart Failure by Physicians and Nurses of the ESCAPE Trial30 Age, sex, race 6 minute walk distance None NYHA class, need for “high dose” loop diuretic, ischemic vs nonischemic HF, systolic BP, diastolic BP, HR, NA, Cr, BUN, EF, required CPR, required mechanical ventilation None None Beta blocker prescribed at discharge, ACE inhibitor prescribed at discharge None None
2008 Hospital 30‐day Heart Failure readmission measure: methodology31 Age, sex Protein calorie malnutrition Specific comorbid conditions None None None None None Drug or alcohol abuse
2008 Risk factors for 30‐day hospital readmission in patients ≥ 65 years of age32 Age, sex, race/ethnicity None Specific comorbid conditions None Service type (medical vs surgical) Discharge destination None Insurance status, distance from hospital, median income of zip code of residence None
2009 Using routine inpatient data to identify patients at risk of hospital readmission33 Age, sex, indigenous status, None Specific comorbid conditions None Previous admission in the preceding 90 days, 1 year, or 3 years, previous emergency admission in the preceding 90 days, 1 year, and 3 years None None Marital status, socioeconomic status, rurality, geographic remoteness None
2010 An automated model to identify heart failure patients at risk for 30‐day readmission or death using electronic medical record data13 Age, sex, race See markers of severity Depression or anxiety Tabak Mortality Risk Score (derived from albumin, total bilirubin, CK, creatinine, sodium, BUN, Pco2, WBC, troponin‐I, glucose, INR, BNP, ph, temperature, pulse, diastolic BP, systolic BP) Number of prior admissions, ED visits, and outpatient visits, presentation to ED from 6 am to 6 pm None None Socioeconomic status, single, payment method, use of a health system pharmacy Cocaine use, history of leaving AMA, missed outpatient appointments, number of home address changes
2010 Derivation and validation on an index to predict early death or unplanned readmission after discharge from hospital to the community34 Age, sex Dependent for one or more ADL Charlson Comorbidity Index None LOS, visit to the ED in the previous 6 months, hospital admissions within the previous 6 months, medical vs surgical admission, emergent admission, number of medications at discharge, number of new medications at discharge, season at discharge, consultation, number of complications while hospitalized Has a PCP None Lives alone None
2010 Hospital readmission in general medicine patients: A prediction model35 Age, sex, race/ethnicity SF‐12 physical component, MMSE, presence of functional limitation Charlson Comorbidity Index, SF‐12 mental component None Number of admissions in the previous year, LOS, need for extra day stay during current admission Has a PCP None Household income, education, primary insurance, marital status, lives alone, someone available to help with care None
2011 Inability of providers to predict unplanned readmissions36 Age, sex Poor self‐rated general health CAD, DM2 None Admission in prior year, more than 6 doctor visits in prior year None None None None
2011 Incremental value of clinical data beyond claims data in predicting 30‐day outcomes after heart failure hospitalization37 Age, sex None Diagnoses at admission including psychiatric diagnoses EF, heart rate, hemoglobin, serum creatinine, serum sodium, systolic blood pressure, weight None None None None None
2011 Unplanned readmissions after hospital discharge among patients identified as being at high risk for readmission using a validated predictive algorithm38 None None Charlson Comorbidity Index None LOS, number of ED in the previous 6 months, emergent admission None None None None

Bolded covariates were included in the final model. Nonbolded covariates were proposed, but not included. LOS indicates length of stay; SNF, skilled nursing facility; ADL, activities of daily living; WBC, white blood cell; MMSE, mini‐mental state examination; CHF, congestive heart failure; HF, heart failure; VT, ventricular tachycardia; EF, ejection fraction; PCP, primary care provider; EST, exercise stress test; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; HD, hemodialysis; Hb, hemoglobin; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; ACE, angiotensin‐converting enzyme; CK, creatine kinase; INR, International Normalized Ratio; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CAD, coronary artery disease.BUN, blood urea nitrogen; RN, registered nurse, VA, Veteran's Administration; POW, prisoner of war; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PMC, patient management category; MI, myocardial infarction; VF, ventricular fibrillation; DM, diabetes mellitus; BP, blood pressure; CXR, chest x‐ray; NSR, normal sinus rhythm; EKG, electrocardiogram; ST‐T, ST or T segment; ICU, intensive care unit; PT/OT, physical therapy/occupational therapy; SF‐36, Short Form‐36; NYHA, New York Heart Association; ED, emergency department; VAMC, Veteran's Affairs Medical Center; PND, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea; CR, creatinine; JVD, jugular venous distention; HJR, hepatojugular reflux; ESCAPE, Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Artery Catheterization Effectiveness; HR, heart rate; NA, sodium; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation.