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. 2013 Mar;19(3):439–448. doi: 10.3201/eid1903.120394

Table 2. Estimates of cumulative weekly number of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus vaccine doses administered (rounded to the nearest 1,000), by population subgroup*.

Week ending
No. persons vaccinated
No. doses
Estimated doses by population subgroup†

Age 6 mo–9 y
Age 10–24 y
Pregnant, Age 18–64 y§
Age 25–64 y
Age >65 y
1st dose
2nd dose
HCW, non-HR, NP
Contact with children <6 mo, non-HCW, non-HR, NP
No contact with children <6 mo, non-HCW, non-HR, NP
40 2009 Oct 10 2,971,000 2,971,000 836,000 0 578,000 171,000 314,000 283,000 69,000 363,000 358,000
41 2009 Oct 17 6,536,000 6,536,000 1,838,000 0 1,272,000 376,000 690,000 622,000 151,000 799,000 788,000
42 2009 Oct 24 10,993,000 10,993,000 3,091,000 0 2,139,000 633,000 1,161,000 1,046K 254K 1,343K 1,325K
43 2009 Oct 31 17,826,000 17,944,000 5,013,000 119,000 3,469,000 1,026,000 1,882,000 1,696,000 412,000 2,178,000 2,148,000
44 2009 Nov 7 23,755,000 24,239,000 6,526,000 483,000 4,776,000 1,230,000 2,467,000 2,275,000 573,000 3,116,000 2,790,000
45 2009 Nov 14 29,684,000 30,533,000 8,040,000 848,000 6,084,000 1,435,000 3,053,000 2,853,000 734,000 4,054,000 3,433,000
46 2009 Nov 21 35,613,000 36,827,000 9,553,000 1,213,000 7,391,000 1,639,000 3,638,000 3,431,000 895,000 4,991,000 4,075,000
47 2009 Nov 28 41,543,000 43,121,000 11,067,000 1,578,000 8,698,000 1,843,000 4,223,000 4,009,000 1,056,000 5,929,000 4,717,000
48 2009 Dec 5 45,427,000 47,709,000 11,837,000 2,282,000 9,511,000 1,911,000 4,717,000 4,275,000 1,146,000 6,799,000 5,231,000
49 2009 Dec 12 49,311,000 52,297,000 12,608,000 2,985,000 10,325,000 1,978,000 5,211,000 4,540,000 1,235,000 7,669,000 5,745,000
50 2009 Dec 19 53,196,000 56,885,000 13,379,000 3,689,000 11,138,000 2,045,000 5,705,000 4,805,000 1,325,000 8,539,000 6,259,000
51 2009 Dec 26 57,080,000 61,473,000 14,150,000 4,393,000 11,952,000 2,112,000 6,199,000 5,071,000 1,414,000 9,409,000 6,773,000
52 2010 Jan 3 59,526,000 64,388,000 14,541,000 4,862,000 12,406,000 2,171,000 6,480,000 5,217,000 1,463,000 10,031,000 7,217,000
1 2010 Jan 10 61,972,000 67,304,000 14,931,000 5,332,000 12,860,000 2,230,000 6,760,000 5,364,000 1,513,000 10,653,000 7,661,000
2 2010 Jan 17 64,417,000 70,219,000 15,322,000 5,802,000 13,313,000 2,289,000 7,040,000 5,510,000 1,562,000 11,275,000 8,105,000
3 2010 Jan 24 66,863,000 73,134,000 15,713,000 6,271,000 13,767,000 2,349,000 7,320,000 5,657,000 1,611,000 11,897,000 8,550,000
4 2010 Jan 31 69,309,000 76,050,000 16,103,000 6,741,000 14,221,000 2,408,000 7,601,000 5,803,000 1,660,000 12,519,000 8,994,000
5 2010 Feb 7 70,924,000 77,979,000 16,353,000 7,055,000 14,489,000 2,408,000 7,846,000 5,863,000 1,702,000 12,999,000 9,263,000
6 2010 Feb 14 72,539,000 79,907,000 16,603,000 7,369,000 14,757,000 2,408,000 8,092,000 5,924,000 1,745,000 13,479,000 9,532,000
7 2010 Feb 21 74,154,000 81,836,000 16,852,000 7,683,000 15,025,000 2,408,000 8,338,000 5,984,000 1,787,000 13,959,000 9,802,000
8 2010 Feb 28 75,769,000 83,765,000 17,102,000 7,997,000 15,293,000 2,408,000 8,583,000 6,044,000 1,829,000 14,438,000 10,071,000
9 2010 Mar 7 76,480,000 84,633,000 17,196,000 8,153,000 15,386,000 2,408,000 8,713,000 6,090,000 1,874,000 14,613,000 10,200,000
10 2010 Mar 14 77,192,000 85,501,000 17,291,000 8,309,000 15,478,000 2,408,000 8,842,000 6,137,000 1,920,000 14,788,000 10,328,000
11 2010 Mar 21 77,903,000 86,369,000 17,386,000 8,465,000 15,570,000 2,408,000 8,971,000 6,184,000 1,965,000 14,963,000 10,456,000
12 2010 Mar 28 78,615,000 87,236,000 17,481,000 8,622,000 15,662,000 2,408,000 9,101,000 6,230,000 2,010,000 15,138,000 10,585,000
13 2010 Apr 4 78,943,000 87,680,000 17,536,000 8,737,000 15,743,000 2,408,000 9,144,000 6,239,000 2,017,000 15,207,000 10,649,000
14 2010 Apr 11 79,272,000 88,124,000 17,592,000 8,852,000 15,824,000 2,408,000 9,188,000 6,247,000 2,024,000 15,276,000 10,713,000
15 2010 Apr 18 79,600,000 88,568,000 17,648,000 8,968,000 15,905,000 2,408,000 9,232,000 6,255,000 2,030,000 15,345,000 10,778,000

*Monthly estimates, by population subgroups, are from the National 2009 H1N1 Flu Survey (NHFS) and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey (4,9,10,14,16,28). Estimates were benchmarked to final season monthly estimates for available age and target groups (9). Adjustments were made to overall population counts and the number of persons vaccinated to account for limitations in either dataset. The distribution of weekly and monthly numbers of persons vaccinated were obtained from the survey data. HR, high risk; NP, not pregnant; HCW, health care worker; Contact, household contacts and caregivers of children <6 mo of age.
†Weekly estimates were made by examining overall National 2009 H1N1 Flu Survey weekly vaccination numbers and by using the same distribution to estimate the first 3 weeks of data. For all other weeks, data were estimated by using linear interpolation between point estimates at the start and end of each month.
‡Weeks during which influenza activity was reported during 2009–10 influenza reporting period; 40 –52 indicates last 12 weeks of 2009, and 1–15 indicates first 15 weeks of 2010.
§Estimated number of pregnant women from survey data was considered an underestimation because of the definition of pregnant women and low sample size. Therefore, the total number of pregnant women vaccinated during the course of the pandemic was based on data from Moro et al (18). Because the cohort of pregnant women changed during the influenza season, analysis for this group was restricted to NHFS interviews conducted April 4, 2010–Jun 30, 2010. During this time, a new question, “Were you pregnant at any time October 2009 through January 2010?” was added to the NHFS for women 18–64 y to include those pregnant during the major vaccination period. Because no information was available on vaccinations among pregnant women after January, we assumed no further vaccinations were administered, an approach that could have underestimated the effects of A(H1N1)pdm09 virus vaccination on pregnant women.