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. 2013 Mar;19(3):456–459. doi: 10.3201/eid1903.121503

Table 1. Overview of bats tested for 2c betacoronaviruses, Ghana and Europe.

Area, bat species No. bats tested (no. [%] positive)* Age, juvenile/adult† Sex, F/M‡ Location§ (no. tested/no. positive)
Coleura afra 108 (0) 2/105 46/59 a, b, e
Hipposideros abae 604 (0) 55/548 207/341 a, b, d, f
H. cf. gigas 28 (0) 7/19 8/11 a, b, d
H. fuliginosus 1 (0) 1/0 Unknown c
H. jonesi 31 (0) 6/25 1/24 c, d
H. cf. ruber 3,763 (0) 674/3,078 1,109/1,969 a, b, c, d, f, g
Nycteris cf. gambiensis 185 (46 [24.9]) 22/161¶ 79/82 a# (5/2), b# (65/15), d# (104/29), f (1/0)
Rhinolophus alcyone 4 (0) 2/2 1/1 c
R. landeri 13 (0) 3/10 2/8 b, d, f
Taphozous perforatus 21 (0) 3/18 0/18 e
4,758 (46 [1.0])

Pipistrellus kuhlii 7 (0) Unknown 3/3 l
P. nathusii 82 (30 [36.6]) 15/65 38/43 j (2/0), k# (74/29), l# (6/1)
P. pipistrellus 42 (1 [2.4]) 17/25 19/21 i (29/0), k# (7/1), h (6/0)
P. pygmaeus 141 (9 [6.4]) 11/127 83/55 j (44/0), k# (91/9), l (6/0)
Total 272 (40 [14.7])

*The real-time reverse transcription PCR (Ghana) used oligonucleotides 2c-rtF, 5′-GCACTGTTGCTGGTGTCTCTATTCT-3′, 2crtR, 5′-GCCTCTAGTGGCAGCCATACTT-3′ and 2c-rtP, JOE-TGACAAATCGCCAATACCATCAAAAGATGC-BHQ1 and the Pan2c-heminested assay (Europe) used oligonucleotides Pan2cRdRP-R, 5′-GCATWGCNCWGTCACACTTAGG-3′; Pan2cRdRP-Rnest, 5′-CACTTAGGRTARTCCCAWCCCA-3′; and Pan2cRdRp-FWD, 5′-TGCTATWAGTGCTAAGAATAGRGC-3′.
†Excludes bats (all coronavirus-negative) that were missing data for age.
‡ Excludes bats that were missing data for sex.
§a, Bouyem; b, Forikrom; c, Bobiri; d, Kwamang; e, Shai Hills; f, Akpafu Todzi, g, Likpe Todome; h, Province Gelderland; i, Eifel area; j, Holstein area; k,Tulcea county; l, Kiev region; GPS coordinates are shown in Figure 1.
¶For 2 animals, no data on age were available.
#Locations in which coronavirus 2c–positive bats were found.