Elevated [K+]o and/or coexpression of TRK1 strongly suppresses HAK1p, but high [K+]o and coexpression of HAK1 only weakly affect expression of TRK1p. Raw Western blot data for plasma membranes isolated from four different strains of N. crassa, {TRK1-HA}, {HA-HAK1}, {TRK1-HA HAK1}, and {TRK1 HA-HAK1}, are shown. The parent strain {ΔΔΔ mus} had been deleted of all three K+ transporters and also of MUS51 in order to suppress heterologous recombination. Data are from a single representative experiment of 75-ml batch cultures (n = 3); all lanes were loaded with equal plasma membrane protein (5 μg/lane) despite saturation of the signal intensity in some lanes. Methods and calibration were the same as those described for Fig. 1.