Fig 2.
Recombinant protein expression and purification. (A) PvMSP1-19, PvDBPII, and all PvMSP1P fragments were synthesized using the wheat germ cell-free protein expression system and then purified with a Ni-Sepharose column. The purified MSP1-19 (15 kDa), DBPII (75 kDa), 83A (30 kDa), 83B (40 kDa), 83C (30 kDa), 30 (40 kDa), 38 (50 kDa), 42 (50 kDa), 33 (40 kDa), and 19 (14 kDa) fragments of PvMSP1P existed in soluble elution fractions. Arrowheads indicate specific bands for each recombinant protein. T, total translation mix; S, supernatant; P, pellet; Ft, flowthrough; E, elution. (B) The purified 83A, 83B, 83C, 30, 38, 42, 33, and 19 fragments of PvMSP1P were resolved by SDS-PAGE, transferred to a PVDF membrane, and probed with anti-His-tagged antibody. Arrowheads indicate specific bands for each recombinant protein.