Western blot analysis of recombinant PvMSP1P C-terminal fragments, PvMSP1-19, and schizont lysates probed with PvMSP1P and PvMSP1 immune sera. (A) Three C-terminal fragments of PvMSP1P (42, 33, and 19 kDa) and PvMSP1-19 were probed with the respective mouse immune sera (I) and with anti-His antibody (H). (B) Western blot analysis. Recognition of the native PvMSP1P and PvMSP1 antigen in the parasite lysate with mouse antisera against PvMSP1P-42 and rabbit antisera against PvMSP1-19, respectively, under reducing conditions. Arrowheads indicate the target bands and putative processed fragments.