Fig 5.
The expression of other ChREBP-regulated genes is also inhibited by FXR by involving a molecular mechanism similar to that for L-PK. (A) mRNA expression of ChREBP target genes in IHH incubated for 24 h in a medium containing low (1 mM) or high (11 mM) glucose concentrations and vehicle (DMSO) or GW4064 (5 μM). Gene and control 36B4 mRNA levels were measured by real-time quantitative PCR. Values are expressed relative to those measured at low glucose concentration with vehicle, arbitrarily set to 1. (B) Relative levels of TxNIP promoter occupancy by ChREBP and FXR (top), p300 and CBP (middle), and SMRT and H3K9 (bottom). The occupancies were evaluated by quantitative PCR amplification of the region of the TxNIP promoter that contains the ChORE in ChIP experiments performed using total extracts from IHH incubated for 5 h at low (1 mM) or high (11 mM) glucose concentrations and vehicle (DMSO) or GW4064 (5 μM). Occupancies are expressed relative to those at low glucose concentration with vehicle, arbitrarily set to 1. Each experiment was performed at least three times, and results from a representative experiment are shown.