Disease symptoms induced by the cloned DNA genome of the ToLDeV PA98-1-1 variant, PA10-3 strain, and chimeras generated between these genotypes 21 and 32 days after agroinoculation of Nicotiana benthamiana and tomato plants, respectively. Symptoms induced in N. benthamiana plants by the empty vector control (A), the PA98-1-1 variant (B), the PA98-1-1/PA10-3 chimera (C), the PA10-3 strain (D), and the PA10-3/PA98-1-1 chimera (E) are illustrated. Symptoms induced in tomato plants by the empty vector control (F), the PA98-1-1 variant (G), the PA98-1-1/PA10-3 chimera (H), the PA10-3 strain (I), and the PA10-3/PA98-1-1 chimera (J) are also shown. For a schematic representation of the wild-type and chimeric genomes, see Fig. 1.