Figure 4.
Results of fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements in spinal cords of 13 dogs. a. FA values were assessed for three different regions of interest (ROI) with ROI 1 (dotted box), ROI 2 (pale grey box), and ROI 3 (dark grey box) representing the values of the FAs at the different ROIs. No statistically significant difference occurred between ROIs (P = 0.8045). The box on the right (white) comprises the FA values of all 13 dogs together. b. ADC values were evaluated for the three defined ROIs, ROI 1 (dotted box), ROI 2 (pale grey box), and ROI 3 (dark grey box). No statistically significant difference between ROIs could be detected (P = 0.9688). The boxes contain the middle 50% of the sample values, Tukey boxplots display minimum and maximum, lower and upper quartiles, and median, and contain 95% of the values. FA = fractional anisotropy, ADC = apparent diffusion coefficient, ROI = region of interest, all = values of all 13 dogs and cervical and thoracolumbar spinal cord comprised.