Fig. 1.
Tissue-specific ablation of ATF3 in the pancreatic islets and hypothalamus of PHT-Atf3-KO mice. (a) Genotyping of DNA isolated from the pancreatic islets, liver, kidney, muscle, hypothalamus and cerebral cortex of wild-type (WT) and PHT-Atf3-KO (KO) mice for multiplex detection of WT and floxed alleles (top part), or for single detection of the deleted allele (bottom part). Pancreatic islets (b) and hypothalamus (c) isolated from PHT-Atf3-KO and control mice after 12 h of fasting were used for western blotting with anti-ATF3 monoclonal antibody. The results were normalised using α-tubulin. Densitometric analyses of the western blots are shown in the graphs on the right. Data are mean ± SEM. **p < 0.01