(A) Reconstituted ‘humanized liver’ in TK-NOG mouse. Immunohistochemical staining of sections obtained from TK-009-18 liver using h-CK8/18 antibody. The RI (%) for each section is indicated. Scale bar: 1 mm. An enlarged view of the boxed area is shown in the inset right. Scale bars: 100 μm. P, portal tract; C, central vein. (B) The human albumin (hAlb) level in the plasma of 4 TK-NOG mice and their body weight (BW) was measured over a 9-month period after GCV conditioning and human liver cell transplantation. (C) Immunoblot analyses of sera from 3 humanized TK-NOG mice with antibodies for specific for human albumin (hAlb), complement C3 proteins (hC3), transferrin (hTF), and for human and mouse ceruloplasmin (h/mCp). The RI of these mice (TK12-14, 6-6-10, and 2-4-7) mice were approximately 10, 30 and 85%, respectively. (D) Comparison of total protein (TP), total cholesterol (TCHO) albumin (ALB), ammonia (NH3), and serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels between the control NOG and humanized TK-NOG mice. The hAlb level in all of the humanized mice is >3 mg/mL. Open rhomboid, control NOG mice; filled rhomboid, humanized TK-NOG mice. (E) H&E and PAS staining of kidney obtained from a humanized TK-NOG mouse (hAlb >5.0 mg/mL). Scale bars, 100 μm.