Fig. 2.
Drawings and photomicrographs of frontal sections through VTA showing PRV/CTb injection sites. Because PRV is avidly transported away from the site of injection, CTb and TH immunoreactivity were used to localize the injection. (A) Schematic outlines of injection sites as defined by CTb immunoreactivity at rostral–caudal levels of VTA from all five 48-h survival time-point animals. Numbers at left indicate distance (mm) posterior to bregma. (B) Frontal photomicrograph of CTb immunoreactivity at the largest extent of the injection site (~−5.65 mm from bregma) for Case 48P10. (C) Adjacent section of Case 48P10 stained for TH and used to define the boundaries of VTA. Midline is center and dorsal is up for all images. Scale bar, 500 μm (B and C).