Table 3.
Adjusted hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) for the association of physical and sexual abuse in childhood with risk of cardiovascular events in adulthood, Nurses’ Health Study 2, 1989–2007
Cases Person-Years | Model 1: Adjusted for age |
Model 2: Adjusted for age and childhood covariates preceding abuse1 |
Model 3: Model 2 plus adult covariates2 |
Physical Abuse | ||||
None | 226 537,165 |
1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Mild | 82 214,508 |
0.91 0.71–1.18 |
0.91 0.70–1.17 |
0.87 0.68–1.13 |
Moderate | 137 301,260 |
1.06 0.85–1.31 |
1.02 0.82–1.26 |
0.93 0.74–1.15 |
Severe | 68 97,860 |
1.59 1.21–2.08 |
1.46 1.11–1.92 |
1.13 0.85–1.51 |
p-value3 | 0.006 | 0.03 | 0.40 | |
Sexual Abuse | ||||
None | 306 767,975 |
1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Sexual touching | 119 254,752 |
1.13 0.91–1.40 |
1.10 0.88–1.35 |
1.02 0.82–1.27 |
Forced sex | 88 128,066 |
1.71 1.35–2.17 |
1.56 1.23–1.99 |
1.25 0.98–1.60 |
p-value3 | 0.0002 | 0.002 | 0.22 |
Model 2 is adjusted for age, race, age 5 somatotype, parental education, and parental MI or stroke
Model 3 is adjusted for variables in Model 2 plus: adult BMI, smoking, alcohol use, depression and intimate partner violence, quintiles of animal fat consumption, vegetable fat consumption, glycemic index in high school and updated throughout adulthood; oral contraceptive use; parity; menopausal status; postmenopausal hormone use; physical activity; incident hypertension and diabetes.
p-value for differences across abuse categories, derived from a likelihood ratio test contrasting nested models with and without the set of abuse covariates