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. 2013 Mar 27;177(10):1106–1117. doi: 10.1093/aje/kws356

Table 1.

Characteristics of Prostate Cancer Cases and Controls in the Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial, 1985–2003

Characteristics Cases
P Valuea
Mean (SD) No.b % Mean (SD) No.b %
Total 641 1,398
Age, years
 Baseline 60.4 (5.7) 60.3 (5.8) 0.56
 Diagnosis 66.9 (5.9) N/A
 White 578 90.2 1,229 87.9 0.13
 African American 39 6.1 121 8.7
 Other 24 3.7 48 3.4
 Intervention 334 52.1 724 51.8 0.89
 Placebo 307 47.9 674 48.2
Family history of prostate cancer, yes 42 6.6 46 3.3 <0.001
Smoking status
 Current 332 51.8 741 53.0 0.61
 Neverc/former 309 48.2 657 47.0
Smoking, pack-years
 <40 238 37.1 530 37.9 0.85
 40–59 216 33.7 477 34.1
 ≥60 187 29.2 391 28.0
Alcohol intake
 Nondrinkers 145 22.6 341 24.4 0.010
 1–9 g/day 181 28.2 475 34.0
 ≥10 g/day 262 40.9 472 33.8
 Unknown 53 8.3 110 7.9
Body mass indexd
 <25.0 147 22.9 305 21.8 0.84
 25.0–29.9 309 48.2 689 49.3
 ≥30.0 185 28.9 404 28.9
Gleason score
 <7 361 56.3 N/A
 ≥7 258 40.3
 Unknown 22 3.4
Clinical stage
 0, I 168 33.5 N/A
 II 280 55.8
 III 26 5.2
 IV 25 5.0
 Unknown 3 0.6
Year of diagnosise N/A
 1986–1993 145 22.6
 1994–2003 496 77.4

Abbreviations: CARET, Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial; N/A, nonapplicable; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; SD, standard deviation.

a The t-test for age at baseline and χ2 tests for the categorical variables were used.

b The numbers are numbers of participants and column percentages unless otherwise noted.

c Never smokers contributed a very small percentage (<2%). They were recruited in the CARET because of their occupational asbestos exposure.

d Body mass index: weight (kg)/height (m)2.

e 1994 approximates the advent of the PSA era.