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. 2013 Mar 27;177(10):1106–1117. doi: 10.1093/aje/kws356

Table 5.

Joint Associationa of Serum n-3 and n-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and the MPO G-463A Polymorphism With Aggressive Prostate Cancerb in the Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial, 1985–2003

Fatty Acids MPOc Genotype Quartile 1
Quartile 2
Quartile 3
Quartile 4
Ptrend Pinteraction
No. of Cases No. of Controls OR 95% CI No. of Cases No. of Controls OR 95% CI No. of Cases No. of Controls OR 95% CI No. of Cases No. of Controls OR 95% CI
n-3 PUFAs
 α-Linolenic acid GG 28 204 1.00 Referent 39 210 1.31 0.77, 2.22 27 189 1.08 0.61, 1.91 34 217 1.16 0.67, 2.01 0.96 0.54
GA/AA 19 138 1.01 0.54, 1.89 25 132 1.45 0.80, 2.61 19 156 0.92 0.49, 1.71 15 123 0.95 0.48, 1.87 0.80
 Eicosatrienoic acid GG 29 202 1.00 Referent 27 209 0.92 0.52, 1.62 33 197 1.18 0.69, 2.05 39 212 1.39 0.82, 2.37 0.16 0.88
GA/AA 14 144 0.68 0.35, 1.35 23 130 1.36 0.75, 2.48 23 145 1.18 0.65, 2.14 18 130 1.06 0.56, 2.01 0.21
 Eicosapentaenoic acid GG 25 216 1.00 Referent 31 203 1.25 0.71, 2.20 37 197 1.47 0.84, 2.55 35 204 1.25 0.71, 2.20 0.27 0.68
GA/AA 14 127 0.96 0.48, 1.93 23 144 1.39 0.75, 2.55 22 146 1.19 0.64, 2.22 19 132 1.11 0.58, 2.14 0.95
 Docosapentaenoic acid GG 31 227 1.00 Referent 26 191 0.96 0.55, 1.69 38 206 1.34 0.80, 2.25 33 196 1.21 0.71, 2.06 0.24 0.013
GA/AA 23 118 1.49 0.82, 2.70 26 150 1.28 0.73, 2.26 15 137 0.83 0.43, 1.60 14 144 0.72 0.37, 1.41 0.026
 Docosahexaenoic acid GG 25 227 1.00 Referent 40 196 1.88 1.09, 3.24 29 206 1.37 0.77, 2.45 34 191 1.64 0.93, 2.90 0.33 0.028
GA/AA 23 116 1.86 1.00, 3.44 24 146 1.55 0.84, 2.84 15 139 1.05 0.53, 2.08 16 148 1.09 0.55, 2.15 0.17
 EPA + DHA GG 25 230 1.00 Referent 30 199 1.39 0.79, 2.47 38 200 1.74 1.01, 3.02 35 191 1.66 0.95, 2.92 0.07 0.011
GA/AA 24 115 1.97 1.07, 3.63 19 144 1.24 0.65, 2.34 19 143 1.25 0.66, 2.38 16 147 1.06 0.54, 2.10 0.15
  Total n-3 GG 25 229 1.00 Referent 32 202 1.46 0.83, 2.56 35 201 1.64 0.94, 2.87 36 188 1.70 0.97, 2.98 0.07 0.002
GA/AA 28 118 2.21 1.23, 4.00 19 138 1.32 0.70, 2.51 14 142 0.92 0.46, 1.84 17 151 1.10 0.56, 2.14 0.033
n-6 PUFAs
 Linoleic acid GG 25 202 1.00 Referent 39 193 1.61 0.93, 2.78 32 197 1.31 0.74, 2.30 32 228 1.22 0.69, 2.16 0.96 0.09
GA/AA 18 139 1.14 0.59, 2.18 10 148 0.56 0.26, 1.20 23 146 1.27 0.69, 2.35 27 116 2.04 1.16, 3.74 0.017
 γ-Linolenic acid GG 35 221 1.00 Referent 26 191 0.78 0.45, 1.35 37 196 1.04 0.62, 1.74 30 211 0.78 0.46, 1.33 0.77 0.42
GA/AA 25 121 1.34 0.76, 2.36 17 151 0.70 0.37, 1.30 16 147 0.61 0.32, 1.16 20 130 0.86 0.47, 1.56 0.07
 Eicosadienoic acid GG 37 209 1.00 Referent 27 200 0.74 0.43, 1.27 38 194 1.17 0.71, 1.93 26 217 0.68 0.39, 1.17 0.29 0.09
GA/AA 14 134 0.62 0.32, 1.20 19 138 0.83 0.46, 1.52 21 151 0.80 0.45, 1.44 24 126 1.12 0.64, 1.99 0.06
 Dihomo-γ- linolenic acid GG 40 213 1.00 Referent 29 200 0.76 0.45, 1.28 31 207 0.80 0.48, 1.34 28 100 0.73 0.43, 1.25 0.33 0.30
GA/AA 17 131 0.70 0.38, 1.30 20 140 0.80 0.44, 1.43 18 132 0.74 0.40, 1.37 23 146 0.85 0.48, 1.51 0.66
 Arachidonic acid GG 30 207 1.00 Referent 34 220 1.11 0.65, 1.89 36 204 1.29 0.76, 2.19 28 189 1.03 0.59, 1.82 0.62 0.036
GA/AA 26 134 1.36 0.76, 2.41 21 124 1.24 0.68, 2.29 21 139 1.11 0.61, 2.03 10 152 0.49 0.23, 1.07 0.024
 Docosadienoic acid GG 24 202 1.00 Referent 33 207 1.38 0.78, 2.44 33 207 1.44 0.81, 2.54 38 204 1.69 0.97, 2.94 0.05 0.53
GA/AA 11 137 0.72 0.34, 1.53 19 135 1.29 0.68, 2.47 24 142 1.50 0.81, 2.77 24 135 1.67 0.90, 3.10 0.027
 Docosatetraenoic acid GG 37 208 1.00 Referent 44 197 1.31 0.81, 2.14 21 203 0.60 0.34, 1.07 26 212 0.70 0.41, 1.22 0.06 0.84
GA/AA 20 133 0.89 0.49, 1.61 29 142 1.19 0.69, 2.06 19 142 0.80 0.44, 1.46 10 132 0.46 0.22, 0.97 0.08
  Total n-6 GG 32 201 1.00 Referent 29 206 0.91 0.53, 1.57 38 198 1.28 0.76, 2.16 29 215 0.95 0.55, 1.64 0.97 0.74
GA/AA 21 138 1.02 0.56, 1.86 15 138 0.72 0.37, 1.39 21 145 1.02 0.56, 1.86 21 128 1.15 0.63, 2.11 0.49

Abbreviations: CARET, Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial; CI, confidence interval; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; OR, odds ratio; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid.

a Multivariate adjustment for age at enrollment (continuous), race (white, black, others), CARET randomization assignment (retinol plus β-carotene, placebo), family history of prostate cancer in first-degree relatives (yes, no), alcohol consumption (nondrinker, below median, at or above median, unknown), smoking status (current, former/never), smoking pack-years (<40, 40, <60, ≥60), and body mass index (continuous).

b Defined as stage III/IV tumors or Gleason score ≥7.

c The myeloperoxidase gene, MPO.