Fig. 1.
Symptoms induced by the CMV on different host plants. Cucumis sativus (a, c) stunting shown by infected plants of C. sativus var. veer and var. summer green respectively in comparison to control. b, d chlorosis and mosaic on leaves after 2 weeks post inoculation; Lycopersicum esculentum (var. Pusa Ruby) e mock inoculated, infected f chlorotic patches on leaves, g leaf deformation and curling; Capsicum anummh stunted growth in infected plant, i mock inoculated leaf, j infected leaf showing chlorotic patches; Chenopodium quinoak mock inoculated plant, l chlorotic necrotic lesions on leaves; Nicotiana glutinosam mock inoculated leaf, n leaf showing mosaic pattern and lesions; Nicotiana clevelandiio infected leaf showing presence of concentric chlorotic lesions