The response to iron depends on kinases KinA and KinB. (A) The levels of PsinI-lacZ expression in a wild strain (RL4577) and the following lacZ fusion bearing single and double mutants—kinA (RL5426), kinB (RL5429), kinC (KG19), kinD (KG20), kinE (RL5423), kinA kinB (KG22), and kinC kinD (KG23)—that had been grown on solid medium containing the indicated iron concentrations for 48 h. (B) The time course of light emission from colonies of the wild type (RL5268) and the indicated double mutants harboring PsinI-lux at iron concentrations of 5 μM (open symbols) and 250 μM (closed symbols) (see the Materials and Methods). (C) Colony morphology for the wild type and the indicated double mutants grown for 48 h on medium containing the indicated iron levels.