Fig. 6.
Proteins change their cellular localization in breast cancer. IHC analysis of secretome proteins in both normal and cancer breast tissue obtained from Protein Atlas database. In each case, one normal breast tissue and three different breast tumors are shown. (A) IHC analysis of known extracellular proteins showing a clear cytoplasmic/membranous staining in both normal and breast cancer. IHC analysis of extracellular proteins (CTGF, CYR61, IGFBP3, MIF and MMP2) are shown. (B) IHC analysis from the Protein Atlas database of ten secretome proteins classified as nuclear by GO. IHC analysis for: Anp32a, Apex1, Hnrpa2B1, Hnrnpk, Sub1, Snrnp70, Ssb, Sumo2, Thrap3 and Ub2l3 are shown.