Fig. 2.
Comparison of the number of proteins identified between conditions or fractions. A, Venn diagrams comparing proteins identified between different fractions from the same condition (left) or between the same fractions from different conditions (right). In all cases, the overlap was greater than 80%. B, Distribution of cellular component annotations for proteins identified in glucose- (left) and oleic acid-grown cells (right). White regions of each bar represent the number of proteins identified in both fractions. Yellow (or blue) regions in each bar represent the number of proteins identified in each category from only WCL. Green (or pink) regions of each bar represent the number of proteins identified in each category from only 20KgP fraction. Cellular component abbreviations include: SOPG, site of polarized growth; PM, plasma membrane; CMBV, cytoplasmic membrane bound vesicle; MTOC, microtubule organizing centers. The numbers following each cellular component indicate the total number of proteins in each category from SGD. Because certain proteins are classified into multiple localization categories, the total ORF count exceeds the number genomic ORFs.