Fig 8.
Model for coordinated regulation of multiple phenotypes in AM-19226. VttRA and VttRB modulate the expression of horizontally acquired T3SS and T6SS genes and core chromosomal genes involved in motility (flrAC, flaAD, fliA), stringent response (dksA), and biofilm formation (hapR), as indicated by dotted lines. Evidence exists for cross talk between regulators encoded by the flrA, fliA, dksA, and hapR and genes involved in motility, stringent response, and biofilm formation, based on reports in the literature and indicated by solid lines and references. Other known regulators for T6SS and T3SS genes are indicated by solid lines. The metabolic genes of the VttRA/VttRB regulon (glgC2 shown here) might also play a role in reconfiguring regulatory networks in response to different environmental stimuli.