Confirmation of rny::spc and rnjA::spc deletions. Deletions were verified by colony PCR using flanking DNA oligonucleotides for each gene. The PCR products change in size for wild-type and mutant copies of the RNase gene (oligonucleotide pairs CC1090/CC1096 and CC768/CC770 for rnjA and rny, respectively). A pnp::kan mutant strain which was used throughout the study was also included (oligonucleotides CC132 and CC133). A DNA marker is shown at the left of the gel. Expected sizes are as follows: rnjA, 2,571 bp for the wild type (WT) versus 1,656 bp for the mutant; rny, 2,541 bp for the wild type versus 1,731 bp for the mutant; pnp, 2,591 kb for the wild type versus 2,829 kb for the mutant.