Base-Pairing Patterns in miRNA-mRNA Interactions
(A) Outline of the analysis of miRNA-mRNA base-pairing patterns. Unpaired nucleotides are in white, and paired nucleotides are in shades of gray depending on the overall interaction strength.
(B) Positions of base-paired nucleotides in miRNAs among the 18,514 miRNA-mRNA interactions. The names of interaction classes (I–V) are indicated.
(C) Distribution of CLASH targets among the five base-pairing classes. A similar proportion of CLASH targets from each class are supported by experimentally determined AGO-binding sites, as identified by CLASH single read clusters and PAR-CLIP clusters.
(D) Examples of miRNAs with nonrandom distribution across interaction classes. Of the 68 miRNAs tested, 31 were nonrandomly distributed across four classes of interaction (p < 0.05, chi-square test with Bonferroni correction; class V interactions were excluded from this analysis).
See also Figure S3 and Data S2.