Figure 3. Neutralization of IAV strains by ficolins.
Viral neutralization was tested using a fluorescent focus assay and MDCK cells as described. The number of fluorescent (infected) cells was counted after 7 hours of infection. Diluted viral strains were incubated with control buffer (PBS with 2mM calcium and magnesium) or different concentrations of ficolins, MBL, or SP-A, followed by addition of these samples to cells. The multiplicity of infection (MOI) for these experiments was 1. In panels A and B, M-, L-, and H-ficolin were all tested for their ability to inhibit the Phil82 (panel A) or PR-8 (panel B) strains of IAV. In panel C, H-ficolin was tested for its activity against Cal09. All ficolins caused significant inhibition of all IAV strains at the concentrations tested (p<0.05 vs control). Panel D shows an additional set of experiments in which the activity of H-ficolin was compared to that of human SP-A (native protein from BAL) or recombinant human MBL. H-ficolin caused significantly greater inhibition of Cal09 than either SP-A or MBL at the concentrations tested (* indicates significant difference by ANOVA). Results are mean±SEM of 4 experiments.