Table 2. Kinase peptide substrates with significantly affected (reduced or increased) phosphorylation levels by samples from androgen-deprived (AD), long-term AD (ADL), or castration-resistant (CR) prostate carcinoma xenografts, versus androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT)-naïve xenografts.
Kinase peptide substratea | Peptide start positionb | Peptide end positionb | Site(s) of phosphorylationc | Gene named | Common namee |
Angiogenesis f | |||||
EGFR | 1103 | 1115 | Y1110 | EGFR | Epidermal growth factor receptor |
EPHA4 | 921 | 933 | Y928 | EPHA4 | Ephrin type A receptor 4 |
EPOR | 361 | 373 | Y368 | EPOR | Erythropoietin receptor |
PECA1 | 706 | 718 | Y713 | PECAM1 | Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule |
PGFRB | 1002 | 1014 | Y1009 | PDGFRB | Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta |
PGFRB | 768 | 780 | Y771/775/778 | PDGFRB | Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta |
PGFRB | 771 | 783 | Y771/775/778 | PDGFRB | Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta |
P85A | 600 | 612 | Y607/S608 | PIK3R1 | Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit alpha |
VGFR1 | 1326 | 1338 | Y1327/1333 | FLT1g | Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 |
VGFR2 | 989 | 1001 | Y996 | KDRg | Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 |
Survival/proliferation/progression | |||||
41 | 654 | 666 | Y660 | EPB41 | Erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 |
CDK2 | 8 | 20 | Y15/19 | CDK2 | Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 |
ENOG | 37 | 49 | Y44 | ENO2 | Gamma enolase 2 |
FRK | 380 | 392 | Y387 | FRK | Fyn-related kinase |
MK01 | 180 | 192 | Y187 | MAPK1 | Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 |
MK10 | 216 | 228 | Y223/228 | MAPK10 | Mitogen-activated protein kinase 10 |
NTRK2 | 696 | 708 | Y702/706/707 | NTRK2 | Neutrotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor 2 |
PDPK1 | 2 | 14 | Y9 | PDPK1 | 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase 1 |
PRGR | 786 | 798 | Y795 | PGR | Progesterone receptor |
PRRX2 | 202 | 214 | Y208/214 | PRRX2 | Paired-related homeobox protein 2 |
RAF1 | 332 | 344 | Y340/341 | RAF1 | Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine protein kinase |
RET | 1022 | 1034 | Y1029 | RET | Ret proto-oncogene tyrosine protein kinase receptor |
STAT1 | 694 | 706 | Y701 | STAT1 | Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 |
STA5A | 687 | 699 | Y694 | STAT5A | Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A |
TYRO3 | 679 | 691 | Y681/685/686 | TYRO3 | Tyro3 tyrosine protein kinase receptor |
Adhesion/migration/invasion | |||||
EFS | 246 | 258 | Y253 | EFS | Embryonal Fyn-associated substrate |
FER | 707 | 719 | Y714 | FER | Fer proto-oncogene tyrosine protein kinase |
FES | 706 | 718 | Y713 | FES | Fes/Fps proto-oncogene tyrosine protein kinase |
MET | 1227 | 1239 | Y1230/1234/1235 | MET | Hepatocyte growth factor receptor |
PAXI | 111 | 123 | Y118 | PXN | Paxillin |
PAXI | 24 | 36 | Y31/33 | PXN | Paxillin |
PLCG1 | 764 | 776 | Y771/775 | PLCG1 | Phospholipase C gamma 1 |
SRC8 | 476 | 488 | Y477/483 | CTTN1 | Src substrate protein p85 (cortactin) |
SRC8 | 492 | 504 | Y492/499/502 | CTTN1 | Src substrate protein p85 (cortactin) |
Other | |||||
CD79A | 181 | 193 | Y182/188 | CD79A | B-cell antigen receptor complex-associated protein alpha-chain |
Kinase peptide substrate names on the Tyrosine Kinase PamChip® microarray.
Start and end positions for the kinase peptide sequence within the protein.
Site(s) of tyrosine phosphorylation within the protein.
Corresponding gene names and ecommon names, retrieved from UniProt or HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC).
Kinase peptide substrates are grouped according to the main cellular process they are involved in.
FLT1 and KDR are also known as VEGFR1 and VEGFR2.