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. 2013 Apr 20;13:119. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-13-119

Table 3.

Sources of help young men aged 16–24 years would suggest to a friend with a mental health problem

  n (%)
Very likely Likely Unlikely Very unlikely Don’t know
104 (24.8)
162 (38.7)
81 (19.3)
54 (12.9)
18 (4.3)
173 (41.6)
187 (45.0)
36 (8.7)
13 (3.1)
7 (1.7)
53 (12.9)
114 (27.7)
154 (37.5)
76 (18.5)
14 (3.4)
Telephone helplines
47 (11.2)
96 (23.0)
146 (34.9)
113 (27.0)
16 (3.8)
Posters or pamphlets
20 (4.8)
62 (14.9)
182 (43.8)
137 (32.9)
15 (3.6)
32 (7.7)
73 (17.6)
175 (42.3)
114 (27.5)
20 (4.8)
106 (25.2)
176 (41.9)
80 (19.0)
44 (10.5)
14 (3.3)
Community centre
33 (8.0)
72 (17.4)
173 (41.8)
116 (28.0)
20 (4.8)
Trusted community member
29 (6.9)
93 (22.2)
166 (39.7)
114 (27.3)
16 (3.8)
Church leader
38 (9.1)
52 (12.5)
112 (26.9)
194 (46.5)
21 (5.0)
Counsellor 115 (27.5) 178 (42.6) 63 (15.1) 48 (11.5) 14 (3.3)

Note. Percentages are given in parentheses. Due to some missing data, the total sample size for each source varied between 411 and 420.